The highly selective doormen were frequent targets of abuse, and sometimes gunshots. “As an environmentalist and an animal rights defender I find the insinuation that I would ride a horse into a nightclub offensive.”ģ. The animal-loving activist tried to correct the misconception in a 2015 letter to the Financial Times. The photos also gave birth to the enduring myth that Jagger actually rode into the club on the horse. But that picture started the ball rolling. The next couple of nights weren’t as busy. “It just snowballed from there,” doorman Marc Benecke recalled in a 1998 E! documentary. The stunt was one of the most effective in the history of publicity, as photos of Jagger on horseback instantly appeared in papers across the globe. The birthday girl took the place of honor astride the horse, which trotted across the dance floor while cameras greedily snapped. One of the bartenders donned a diaper and popped out of a cake, but the highlight of the evening occurred around midnight, when a white steed was led out from behind a stage curtain by a nude couple slathered in shimmering paint and sparkles. The best people, from Baryshnikov to Jacqueline Bisset,” Schrager recalled in a 1996 Vanity Fair profile. On May 2nd, Jagger celebrated in grand style. I called everybody I knew in New York to come and blow up masses of white balloons … and I went to the Claremont Stables to arrange for a horse.” “When Steve got off the phone we flipped into action to make it happen. wanted to have a birthday party that Monday for Bianca Jagger.” Like many venues, the club closed Mondays for a “dark night,” but Rubell made an exception. Steve at that point wasn’t known by anybody. Halston.”It was 10:30 in the morning and the phone rang,” club associate Renny Reynolds told Haden-Guest. The club’s fortunes were reversed when Steve Rubell received a call from fashion designer Roy Halston Frowick, a.k.a. Opening night at Studio 54 was an unqualified success, but the days that followed were comparatively slower. Birthday girl Bianca Jagger rode a white horse across the dance floor. He was there to be seen with the famous people, to network, to cut the deal whilst everyone else cut the coke.”Ģ. He was not there for the drug-fueled disco deliria. “He understood it was an opportunity to be grabbed. According to Haskell, the non-drinking, non-dancing mogul had business reasons for making the scene. “I’d go there a lot with dates and with friends, and with lots of people,” he told The Washington Post in 2016. Nonetheless, Trump became something of a regular at the venue. He was never on the dance floor,” Studio 54 busboy Richie Notar recalled in a 2017 BBC radio documentary. “No one remembered him being there the first night. Meanwhile, the future president was up to less scandalous shenanigans inside. All the men had their dicks out … the women were showing their tits … everybody was feeling everybody else … the crowd was moving in waves … all of a sudden you would find yourself next to someone you didn’t know.” “About 30 people standing around us took them, and then everybody started having this mad sexual orgy. “The doctor started handing them out,” he told Haden-Guest. One clubgoer waited outside with a group of friends, including a doctor packing a jumbo bottle of Quaaludes. With nowhere else to go, the party spilled onto the street. Cher, Margaux Hemingway and a young Brooke Shields made it inside, but Warren Beatty, Kate Jackson and Henry Winkler did not. Frank Sinatra was stranded in his limousine, unable to get near. Traffic on 54th Street was brought to a standstill as both celebrities and humble ravers struggled to approach.
The flow of revelers grew from a trickle to a torrent after 11 o’clock, and soon thousands swarmed the building.

We kept saying, ‘Gee, I wonder where everybody is?'” “About a half an hour later there were 50 or 60 people in there. and Company, but the party was initially dead. DJ Richie Kaczor dropped the needle on the first record of the night, “Devil’s Gun” by C.J.

Workers had been laying down black flooring less than an hour before, and when the bulbs behind the bar suddenly stopped working, gofers were frantically dispatched to the nearest bodega to purchase armloads of votive candles. “They were still adjusting the lights and fixing the music,” says Haskell. The atmosphere was hardly better inside, as the couples wandered through the empty disco.